Christ is born! Glorify Him!
Prayers continued for the soul of Terri and for the Slaiman Family.
Several things to touch base on as we celebrate the 12 days of Christmas, New Year’s and the Great Feast of Theophany.
- Regular Weekend schedule (Vespers, Matins & Liturgy)
- Circumcision of Christ and St. Basil’s Day (1/1): NO services
- Sunday, January 5th Patamon of the Great Feasty of Theophany (Epiphany Eve)
- (short) Children’s Sermon
- Lenten Potluck (The Eve of Epiphany is a Fast Day)
- 40-Day Memorial for Denise Filosofos
- Great Blessing of the Water (Bring your containers. (and raincoats?))
- Great Vespers for the Feast
- Monday, January 6th Great Feast of the Theophany of Christ
- Festal Matins
- Divine Liturgy
- Blessing of the Niagara
- House Blessing Season commences
- Please go to: to schedule your house (or business) blessing
- Runs from 1/7 till 3/1 (the beginning of Great Lent)
- See me for details
In Christ, the Newborn King,
Priest Raphael