Glory be to Jesus Christ! Glory forever!
Hope y’all are warm! a few notes for you this morning:
- Tonight, Saturday 12/14
- NO VESPERS at our parish this evening
- St. George OCA in Buffalo (Nottingham Terr.)
- 5PM Pan-Orthodox Vespers
- w/ pot-luck fellowship
- While they plan on offering hospitality, any extra would be welcome.
- If you want a ride (I plan on leaving 4:30 at latest) from our parish, let me know!
- w/ pot-luck fellowship
- Tomorrow, Sunday 12/15 "Sunday of the Forefathers"
- 9AM Sunday Matins
- 10AM Divine Liturgy
- Christmas Pageant rehearsal (soliciting shepherds and angels!)
- Coffee Hour offered by St. Alexander Schmorrell Society (Young Adults)
Next Week
- Wednesday 12/18
- 6PM Nativity Paraklesis
- 7PM Bible Study
- Thursday, 12/19 Eve of the Feast of St. Ignatius
- St. Ignatius Orthodox Church, St. Catherine’s
- 6PM Festal Matins
- 7PM Divine Liturgy
- Festal Meal
- NO SERVICES at St. George
- Let me know if you’d like to share rides
- St. Ignatius Orthodox Church, St. Catherine’s
Coming up!:
- 12/22 Christmas Pageant
- 12/23 Nativy Paraklesis
- 12/24 Paramon of Nativity (Xmas Eve)
- 12/25 Feast of the Nativity of Christ!