Glory be to Jesus Christ! Glory forever!
Happy St. Barbara’s Day!
Happy Feast of St. Saba the Sanctified!
Happy Namesday to our Father in Christ, Metropolitan Saba!
Well, winter has arrived in WNY, in time for the 3rd week of the Fast. Most of us have taken a short break to celebrate American Thanksgiving, but it’s time to buckle down and prepare for the birth of Christ!
THIS week:
- Today 12/4:
- 6PM Nativity Paraklesis Service
- 7PM Bible Study
- Thursday 12/5, Eve of St. Nicholas
- 6PM Great Vespers
- Reading of the life of St. Nick
- SInging his folk song
- Filling of shoes (in the narthex)
- 6PM Great Vespers
- Friday 12/6, St. Nicholas Day!
- Saturday 12/7
- 5PM Great Vespers
- 6PM Catechism Class
- Sunday 12/8, Choir and Chanters Appreciation Day
- 9AM Sunday Matins
- 10AM Divine Liturgy
Coming up!:
- Wednesday Evenings, Nativity Paraklesis
- Dostoevsky Meet-up, 12/11
- St.. Herman’s Day 12/13
- Pan-Orthodox Vespers at StGeorgeSouth 12/14
- Stewardship Sunday, 12/15
- Parish Council, 12/16
- Patronal Feast with our daughter parish of St. Ignatius 12/19
- Christmas Pageant 12/22 (rehearsals 12/15 & 12/21)
- Feast of the NATIVITY (See schedule below)
- St. Stephen’s Day 12/27
Here is this year’s schedule of services for the Feast of the Nativity of Christ:
- Monday 12/23
- 7PM Nativity Paraklesis Service
- Tuesday 12/24, The Paramon of Nativity (XMas Eve)
- 10AM Royal Hours of Nativity
- 4PM Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil
- Old Testament Readings
- Candle Lit Carol Sing
- Wednesday 12/25, Great Feast of the Nativity of Christ (Xmas Day)
- 9AM Festal Matins
- Polyeleos
- Nativity Exapostilarion
- 10AM Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom
- 9AM Festal Matins
Links of Interest:
Young Men and Orthodoxy
St. Barbara’s Day Varvara
Orthodox Christmas Resource Page