Glory be to Jesus Christ! Glory forever!
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, this week we honor the memory of the Holy Hieromartyr and bishop of Antioch, Ignatius. He is a Saint dear to ALL Orthodox Christians, due to his being a disciple of the Apostles, the 3rd bishop of Antioch, a holy martyr, and for the seven epistles that he wrote and have been handed down to us. But he’s near and dear to us Antiochians as the patron of our Patriarchal See. We’ve been invited to celebrate his feast with our sister/daughter parish of St. Ignatius across the border in St. Catherine’s, Ontario on Thursday evening (details below). If anyone would like to drive over together, let me know!
This weekend will be our annual Christmas Pageant. It is not too late to get your kids involved! Rehearsal, Saturday morning and presentation after Liturgy om Sunday.
Also, Saturday morning, all who are able, please come and help clean the church in preparation for the Feast. Many hands make light the work. Church will be open from 9:30 till noon to do so (working around the rehearsal 10-11:30). Coffee and donuts provided! ("D O U G H N U T S . . . is there anything they cannot do?" – Homer J. Simpson)
Thanks to all who contributed, we are able to gift 17 Xmas dinners to needy families. Well done!
So, this week:
- Tonight, Wed 12/18
- 6PM Nativity Paraklesis
- 7PM Bible Study
- Thursday, 12/19
- Festal Services in St. Catherine’s
- 6PM Festal Matins
- 7PM Divine Liturgy
- Communal Meal
- Location
- Festal Services in St. Catherine’s
- Friday, 12/20 St. Ignatius Day
- NO services at St. George
- Saturday, 12/21
- 9:30AM-Noon Church spruce-up
- 10-11:30 Pageant Rehearsal
- 5PM Great Vespers
- 6PM Catechism
- Sunday of the Genealogy, 12/22
- 9AM Sunday Matins
- 10AM Divine Liturgy
- Annual Christmas Pageant
Christmas Week:
- Monday 12/23
- 7PM Nativity Paraklesis
- Tuesday 12/24, Paramon of Nativity
- 10AM Royal Hours
- 4PM Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil (w/ OT readings)
- Carol Sing
- Wednesday 12/25, Great Feast of the Nativity of Christ
- 9AM Festal Matins (w/ Polyeleos)
- 10AM Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom
- Thursday 12/26 After Feast of Nativity
- 6PM Great Vespers for the Feast of St. Stephen
- Sunday 1/5 Paramon of Theophany
- Great Water Blessing after DL
- Great Vespers w/ Artoklasia
- Monday 1/6 Great Feast of the Theophany of Christ
- Festal Matins
- DL of St. Basil
- Blessing of the Niagara
- House Blessing Season commences
- Sunday 2/2 Great Feast of the Meeting of Christ in the Temple
- Godparents Brunch