Category: Uncategorized

St. Ignatius Week at St. George

Glory be to Jesus Christ! Glory forever! Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, this week we honor the memory of the Holy Hieromartyr and bishop of Antioch, Ignatius. He is a Saint dear to ALL Orthodox Christians, due to his being a disciple of the Apostles, the 3rd bishop of Antioch, a holy martyr, and…
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This Weekend at St. George!

Glory be to Jesus Christ! Glory forever! Hope y’all are warm! a few notes for you this morning: Tonight, Saturday 12/14 NO VESPERS at our parish this evening INSTEAD: St. George OCA in Buffalo (Nottingham Terr.) 5PM Pan-Orthodox Vespers w/ pot-luck fellowship While they plan on offering hospitality, any extra would be welcome. If you…
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Shoes for St Nicholas!

Dear parents, remember to have your kids leave their shoes in the Narthex when they come to church this evening. You may want to bring flip-flops, slippers, warm socks or extra shoes for the cold floor in church. Joyous Feast!

St. Nicholas Week at St. George!

Glory be to Jesus Christ! Glory forever! Happy St. Barbara’s Day! Happy Feast of St. Saba the Sanctified! Happy Namesday to our Father in Christ, Metropolitan Saba! Well, winter has arrived in WNY, in time for the 3rd week of the Fast. Most of us have taken a short break to celebrate American Thanksgiving, but…
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This Weekend at St. George

Glory be to Jesus Christ! Glory forever! I pray you all had a blessed Thanksgiving. May God engender a lifelong "attitude of gratitude" within each of us. Just to let you know what is going on this weekend and in the coming week: "Uncle Mike" Slaiman continues the rehab of his replaced knee. In addition…
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Denise Filosofos Arrangements

Glory be to Jesus Christ! Khouriye and I pray you will all have a blessed Thanksgiving. We are grateful to God for you! The arrangements for Denise are as follows: Visitation 2-8 on Monday 12/2 St George Orthodox Church, Niagara Falls Funeral 10AM on Tuesday 12/3 St George Orthodox Church, Niagara Falls Obituary,cherished%20her%20time%20in%20Ft. Memory…
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Sad News/Memory Eternal

Glory be to Jesus Christ! I regret to inform you of the falling asleep in the Lord of our dear Sister in Christ, Denise Filosofos after a long battle with cancer. Details not finalized but looking at a Monday wake at St George and Tuesday funeral. Memory eternal! prb

Obituary and Arrangements for Tom Baia

Glory be to Jesus Christ! Glory forever! I regret to inform you , if you have not heard, of the passing of a beloved friend of the parish, Tom Baia. Tom was the husband of our faithful parishioner, Elaine Baia who passed 3 years ago. Tom facilitated our souvlaki stand for decades at the Lewiston…
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